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● 適用於沿海環境監測
● 受顆粒顏色和CDOM影響較小
● 清潔刷可防止生物附著
  1. Syariz M. A., Lin C.-H., Nguyen M. V., Jaelani L. M., Blanco A. C., (2020) WaterNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Chlorophyll-a Concentration Retrieval. Remote Sensing, 12, 1966. DOI: 10.3390/rs12121966
  2. Abe H., Sampei M., Hirawake T., Waga H., Nishino S., Ooki A. (2019) Sediment-Associated Phytoplankton Release From the Seafloor in Response to Wind-Induced Barotropic Currents in the Bering Strait. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 97. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00097
  3. Jansen H. M. & Capelle J. J., (2018) The effect of mussel farming on sediment dynamics in the Wadden Sea Case studies evaluating the local effects of mussel seed fisheries and mussel harvest on turbidity and sedimentation. Wageningen, Wageningen Marine Research report C046/18. 67pp. DOI: 10.18174/454788
  4. Ballesta-Artero, I., Witbaard, R., Carroll, M.L. et al. (2017) Environmental factors regulating gaping activity of the bivalve Arctica islandica in Northern Norway. Marine Biology, 164, 116. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-017-3144-7
測項 葉綠素 濁度 溫度
範圍 0 to 400ppb
(Uranine reference)
0 to 1,000FTU
(Formazin reference)
-3 to 45ºC
精度 Non-linearity±1%FS (0 to 200ppb) ±0.3FTU or 2% ±0.02℃ (3 to 31ºC)
解析度 0.01ppb 0.03FTU 0.001ºC


Chlorophyll and turbidity sensor with wiper


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